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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware


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Posts posted by Jose

  1. We tried to install your chipless for WF-C5890  but with no success. The process achieves 100% but in final says the firmware was not installed.
    We aborted all processes Epson, change computer and change the USB cable, but with no success.
    The printer has the firmware DB28NB.
    Hope you can improve this chipless in future.

  2. I followed the instructions presented on page:
    where is said: "Buy Activation Key after You have successfully uploaded Firmware to Your printer!".

    Apart that, the link to access to manual and Licence Utility is broken:

    So. let me know where can I find the License Utility for XP-452. I have already bought the Activation Key.

  3. I have a Epson xp-452 with MM1108 Epson version firmware and try to install this chipless firmware from:
    Put the printer in Update Program Mode and then update the firmware.
    The printer receives the firmware and shows progress 0/100 to 100/100
    Compares, Erase and Writes ROM data.
    At final shows:
    Checsum B0BD
    ROM Ver. 20.08.MM1018
    Checksum2 B6D2
    Rom Ver2. MM1018
    In computer all is correct and shows finalized too.

    I turn off the printer and when turn on it again and see the same Epson firmware with no update. Nothing changed-

    What can I do to indeed update your firmware to the printer?

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