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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware

Paulo Moreira

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Posts posted by Paulo Moreira

  1. Por favor! Não é a primeira vez que isso acontece, já perdi 2 chaves da WF-C5290 que comprei e quando recebi já tinham sido usadas, tive que comprar em outro site. Ontem comprei uma chave da WF-C869R e o espaço no e-mail está vazio, desta vez eu não vou perder o meu dinheiro, quero receber a chave, estou precisando URGENTE!


  2. 254 / 5000

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    Please, what do I do? i'm from Brazil, i don't speak english and i'm stopped because of these 2 keys. Can you send the keys by email? This was your mistake, my email is the same as all the purchases I've made, just look at my history.

  3. Every time I buy, 2 emails arrive from VAL´s FINANCE and another John / 2manuals.com that contains the password .. Now in the last 2 purchases, I only received the email from VAL´S the other with the password I did not receive. The email is the same as always, it is also not in spam.

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