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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware


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Everything posted by vf3506

  1. Hi, My schedule allows me to use my printer just periodically and sometimes the interval between printing sessions is very long (up to few month). It is clear that each time when I return I have to clean my printer. So I'm looking for long term storage printer procedure. The inkjetmall describes the Flushing Epson Pro and desktop model printers for safe long term storage, or when switching inks, or when using PiezoFlush to unclog a printer. And "to preform an Initial Fill/Ink Charge Cycle advise to use Adjustment Program from 2manuals site". However, I do not find any reference to that program - only software to reset the WIC Utility. Btw the John_Admin on 30Dec 2011 alse mentioned Epson Adjustment Program. So I have a few questions: 1. do I need to use any specific software to initialize the Fill Cycle with PiezoFlush solution? If so what that software is and how I can get it? 2. do I need to use WIC software if a use the external waste ink bottle? 3. Does anyone knows and can describe procedure to prepare R3000 for the long term storage and how to wake up the printer after? please. regards
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