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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware


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Everything posted by polecat992001

  1. Hi, I made a stupid mistake while i was running the AdjProg for the T1100/T1110 and when I was checking the "initial setting" i've accidentally pressed "perform" instead of check... hehehe =) and now it turned into a T1100 and I have to use the drivers for the 1100 (I don't know but i guess that it happend because the destination setting in the AdjProg was set to ESP/ETT instead of EAL and the resetter works for both models because they are the same printer but changes the model according to the destination... -It works perfect with the drivers for the T1100 but it's in english and it says it has the wrong settings- Here's a picture of the problem http://www.freeimagehosting.net/u5a78 So I had a T1110, now I have a T1100 but want to turn it back to correct model settings... if someone knows how to do it please HELP me! (and Thx of course) =) PS: sorry for my english hehehe =)))
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