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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware

Eric Bao TIn

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About Eric Bao TIn

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  1. Hi, my order is Your Activation Key for WF-C5210, WF-C5290, WF-C5710, WF-C5790, PX-S884, PX-M884F - use before July 20 order is complete (#16977111) - Paypro Global I'm a regular buyer from 2manuals.com. The keys I used to activate WF-C5290 in this order can no longer be recovered after firmware update. I WILL BUY NEW KEYS, but I also need new firmware because the old firmware WF-C5290 will give "Reading Failed -1" error when trying to recover or activate with new keys. Please update the firmware for WF-C5290. Thank you, Eric
  2. Hi, I'm sorry for troubling you again. Can you update firmware for WF c5290 Please, the old firmware does not work after update. Thank you very much, Eric.
  3. Hi, I'm a reseller of printers and I have several c5210 currently having this problem. After October update, the Epson c5210 can not be recovered. I have access printer firmware update mode, re-update the firmware into the Chipless version, try to recover the chipless using the recovery code. But receive this error: It is highly because the Epson new firmware has prevent chipless from being recovered/working. Can you update the firmware for c5210/c5290 please. Thank you, Eric
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