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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware
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Artisan 810 waste ink pad counter reset

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We are getting many complains on Epson reset utility such as following:

> I have an Epson Artisan 810
printer which is giving me the error message  "The Printer's ink pads are at the end of their service life. Please contact Epson Support"

> I changed the ink-pads on the printer and downloaded the inkpad reset  utility from https://ipr.ebz.epson.net/dl/EPIPR_ART810_NA.EXE
> I used the software to reset the inkpad counter; then the program ran and  then asked me to power off the printer.
> Once I powered it off, and then on, the error message went away; however  it comes back immediately when I try to print a page. (tried it numerous  times)

> I used your WIC Reset Utility to read conters, and before the resetting, it shows: 100.08% (7929 of 7923) [this counter overflowed and printer need reset] 40% (4913 of 12284) [ this counter is ok ] and after the epson utility reset, it shows
40% (3169 of 7923) [ this counter is ok ]
40% (4913 of 12284) [ this counter is ok ]

 so looks OK; however when I try to print or do head cleaning, it starts
 giving the error again, and the data read on WIC Reset Utility is back to
% (7929 of 7923) [this counter overflowed and printer need reset]
 40% (4913 of 12284) [ this counter is ok ]

 I would like to purchase a key for your WIC Reset utility, however I am  worried that I would have the same issue that utility as well, and  waste my money without getting results....
 Could you please help me?


Yes. The Epson IPR utility has that problem and it is common. Many customers complain on it. By the way this problem is common for some other models too. And for Epson Artisan 810 in particular.

The WIC Reset utility has no such problem. All customers with Artisan 810 use WIC reset utility to reset the Artisan 810 Waste ink counters and are happy.

You can see our customers testimonials - http://www.2manuals.com/reviews.php

We garantee WIC Reset Utility will work perfect 100%!

By the way! As this Artisan 810 models is often used with WiFi connection - the WIC Reset Utility will NOT work.

You have to connect the printer by USB cable only. Not LAN, not WiFi connections are suported with WIC Reset Utility. USB only. Use PROPER USB cable!

You can reset your printer in few minutes:

- Download WIC Reset Utility
- Buy Reset Key
- see this 30 seconds video instruction

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