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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware
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Free Epson Reset Key - how it works? Resets waste counters to 80% free!

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Hey John,

I have a Epson ET-2800.  I reset the waste counters and received this error (I was using the free 'trial' key and also purchased and key with the same results): 

Please remember, that fatal errors are not related to waste overflow errors. Fatal errors can not be reset by this software.
If you experience communication errors or do not see your printer, please, try the following:
- Restart the printer and computer. Make sure that USB/Wi-Fi connection is of good quality. Try to change USB cable and port if applicable.
- Disable Epson services and processes (choose `support` and then `disable processes` in the main menu on the top).<font size = 2> [<a href = 'http://www.2manuals.com/faq.php?ref=58#57'/>Click here to find out how</a>]</font>
- Cancel all printer jobs and disable all applications and services that can communicate with the printer.
Could not open the service: EpsonScanSvc Access is denied.  
Could not open the service: EpsonScanSvc Access is denied.  
Reset started. Do not turn off the printer.
Query is rejected.
Query has been rejected by the device.
- Current device specifications are broken, incorrect or out of date.
- Please try to update this application to the most recent version first.
- Otherwise, please report all available information about this issue to us.
Device is not ready to perform this operation.
Error Waste ink pad counter overflow error
Reset started. Do not turn off the printer.
Query is rejected.


Any help is appreciated.


Query has been rejected by the device.
- Current device specifications are broken, incorrect or out of date.
- Please try to update this application to the most recent version first.
- Otherwise, please report all available information about this issue to us.

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I have a l382 printer and I need to reset the inkpad. iwc sees the printer, but whenever I press the read waste counters button, I get the error in the picture.

IOS Sequoia 15.2


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