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Canon Service Tool V5105 not launching

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just bought and installed the 1 x License for Canon Service Tool V5105 for One PC (License_V510) = $30.00.
I unzipped it and tried to launch it and popped up a message saying something to the effect that this tool is licensed to <MY-EMAIL-ADDRESS>(which is my correct email address). Thereafter nothing happened - the GUI did not launch. I've clicked on the binary 5105.exe many times and it just doesn't start. I'm running Windows 7

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1. Do you work under admin account or limited account?

2. What software you are using for protection? Add this application to the exeption lists.

3. Do you see application in the task manager after it tried to start?

4. Do you have a second monitor?


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I managed to get it to launch after pretty much excluding it from all my defence solftware. However, when I run the first step by pressing EEPROM and selecting RearTray and click OK, I'm getting an error message saying Error!(error code : 009). I cannot go beyond that. Please see screenshots attached to see what I'm experiencing.



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As far as I know 009 means that printer has an error that may prevent selected operation. What is printer's LED indication? Can you print when you start the printer normally?

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I'm back to square 1. Your program fails to launch again. I've restarted my machine(running Win 7) and nothing seems to work. 

As to your questions, the LEDs are flashing green and orange(my printer is a Canon MP640). And for your second question, the answer is I can't print when I start the printer normally and that's the reason I bought your software. When I start the printer I get the B200 error, which to my understanging,  the Service Tool should be able to resolve. At the moment my printer is just stuck in Service Mode and 5105.exe does not launch the GUI for me to do the resetting, etc.

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B200 is a printhead failure and printer will not print eeprom data (or anything) with such error, that is why you getting 009, also I`m not sure that this issue can be solved by software means. As for the application not starting I still think that the problem is with security software but I could not say more without additional information.

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