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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware


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  1. Yes I am sure. I uninstalled all epson utilies from my PC when it upgrades the second time.
  2. I've been using XP-245 chipless frimware for years, however I found that my printer will automaticly update to 20.25.EF20J9 which is not supproted by chipless frimware 3-4 times a year. I'm sure that it is not conducted by computers as I'm using the printer wirelessly without USB connection. Each time I have to follow previous guide to downgrade the firmware. Is it possible to block this kind of auto firmware upgrade or having a chipless firmware with EF20J9?
  3. My XP-245 printer was previously flased chipless firmware, however, after receive 20.25.EF20J9 from EPSON, the chipless firmware nolonger work. Following the instruction, I tried to flash back to EF23I2 from chipless's official site by recover mode. But after LED flash and printer reboot, the printer's configure website is still displaying 20.25.EF20J9. And activation.exe failed to read from the printer. Please give me some hints on what should I do next, thanks.
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