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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware


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Everything posted by German

  1. Hello John, I just made a purchase of two keys. order 34652012, did not get the keys. It says I must send an email to sev333@gmail.com and did not get any response. I need the keys.
  2. I'm having the same issue with an WF-C5290, it finishes the procedure as always, hangs up at 80 aprox, takes about 25 minutes to finish with the error, as always does, but when I check the firmware version, did not changed. I tried several times on different environments, same results.
  3. Hello. I just purchased an XP-245 key and when I try to activate, pop's up the error "Reading Failed - 2".- Any suggestions? I upgraded the printer's firmware prior to buying the licence.
  4. German


    thank you john admin, the solution you send me privately worked.
  5. German


    Hello. Still not working. Any suggestions? Something to do or try?
  6. German


    The email address its correct.- Haven't received anything yet.
  7. German


    My order number is 23113812
  8. German


    John, please. Any suggestions? Come on, give me a hand. I need to solve this. Or at least other way to get the printer chipless firmware working.
  9. German


    Still not working.
  10. German


    Alright, I've already tried about 20 times among the machines i've used. I'll try three times more. Any other suggestion?
  11. German


    Any suggestions?
  12. German


    I had the same issue with other printer and then it worked after three tries.
  13. German


    Order 23113812
  14. German


    Hello. I'm having this error trying to write the keys for a EPSON WF C5290. The key I'm trying to use finishes in 98XH4. I've already tried three usb cables, three machines running w xp, w7 and w10, Used the last licence.exe utillity and the previous. None worked. Any suggestions? Today I have another costumer who yesterday bought the key and will bring it today.
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