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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware


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  1. I am using auto reset cartridges in my R3000. All but one cartridge reads as very low on ink, almost empty. I changed a damper in the R3000 and now need to use the adjustment program to get ink in those two channels back to the printhead. However, the adjustment program will not proceed with the ink charge because the printer is telling it that there is not enough ink in most of the cartridges, so I am stuck at this point. Removing the auto reset ink cartridge and then replacing it does not change the fact that the printer still sees it as almost empty since the auto reset cartridge will not go back to full until it thinks it is empty and is then removed and put back in. Is there a way around this so that the adjustment program will do the initial ink fill? Thanks.
  2. Question for "wic.support". You put in your answer about my Epson R3000 a link to chipless firmware, but I do not see the Epson R3000 listed there. Do you have chipless firmware for the R3000? Thanks
  3. Someone told me to do a reset, but I do not know what that is. I think he did not know what he was talking about, so we can forget the word "reset". My question now is, if I select "upgrade" firmware, will WIC reinstall the same firmware tha is already on my R3000. If not, what will it do? I just do not want to cause a problem by doing this. I am wondering if reinstalling the firmware that is already on it will solve the problem of excessive head cleanings the R3000 is doing.
  4. Due to constant head cleanings, I was told to try a "reset" of the firmware. After installing WIC reset and selecting the R3000, it offers to do a "firmware update", but I do not see a choice for a "firmware reset". I do not want to do the update if that is going to disable my ability to use resettable cartridges or cause any other issue. I just want to try to stop the constant head cleaning. I am using WIC Reset Utility version 5.65. It is telling me that my current firmware is AS27B4 dated 27/04/2011.
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