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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware
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Alex G

I/O service could not perform operation. - MacOS

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Hi, I just bought the license for Wic, but it doesn't work on my Mac.

OS: MacOS Big Sur Version 11.6.8

Epson L1210


I get the next errors from the console:

I/O service could not perform operation.
- An error occurred when application tried to write/read data into/from the printer.
- Reboot the printer each time you see this error before starting another operation.
- If possible try to replace USB cord/make sure that network connection is reliable.
- If Status Monitor Utility is supported by the OS and it is active then disable it.
- Disable other applications that can use the printer and cancel all printing tasks.


Wic can not read & reset the waste counters.

Any help? Please

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