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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware

"Please Update Our Firmware"

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I upgraded the Firmware on a WF-5710 successfully. I gave the printer to a non-profit and when trying to install the printer at their location, It wouldn't recognize the ink cartridges.

I tried to update the firmware at their location, the printer is on a network and wasn't recognized. When I brought the printer home to attempt another Chipless Conversion and I now

receive the message to "Please Update Our Firmware", I figured there may be a newer version, I downloaded the firmware for the WF-C5710 again and attempted to upgrade and still receive the "please update our firmware" message. Any ideas?

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The 3rd time was a charm, it works now. When I move the printer to a new location, will there an issue again?

Will I need to run your firmware update at their location?

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All modifications in the chipless firmware is completely internal and do not depend on anything outside of the printer itself, in short, you can move the printer to anywhere you like and connect it to anything you like, as long as you do not change firmware it will stay chipless.

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They have a Windows 7 PC, it automatically updated the firmware when they started the PC, I wasn't there then, we'll need to remove the Epson file from their PC first.


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