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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware

how to restore old firmware for Epson Wf-7720

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I saw this in another thread and wasnt sure if i should start a new one, but here it goes. I installed the chipless firmware about 2 weeks ago and its worked great. But now i need to replace the maintenance box, so i think in the thread i saw that i need to downgrade the firmware to the original and then use my recovery code and reinstall the chipless firmware. 

My question is, can someone give me a guide or directions on what steps i need to take to do this please? I saved the recovery code but other than that im not sure what to do or how to get the original firmware back. Thanks. 

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that page, which ive read over twice, doesnt show me anything about how to restore original firmware. It only shows different methods of updating to the chipless firmware, which isnt what i need. 

I asked for directions on how to go from the chipless version, which im running now and activated, to the original firmware. 

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I figured out how to do this. And i will post it here in case anyone comes across this issue and gets the same sort of help i received and doesnt know what to do. 

So you have installed your new Chipless Firmware, and its working great. Ur loving the ink always staying full. But low and behold, no one told u that the Maintenance Box is not affected by the firmware, in fact it is, but in a bad way. The Chipless Firmware stops the printer from letting you replace the maintenance box. On the original firmware, i just had to use a chip resetter when it was nearly at the end of its cycle and put it back in and voila done. But on the chipless firmware that doesnt work. I guess its wise they dont mention this as its not a great sales pitch for the firmware if they tell you that youll have to continously go back to your old firmware to install new maintenance boxes. But anyways here is what i did. 

1) Go to Epson website and get the REcovery Firmware for the model, in this case WF-7720. 
2) Connect printer to PC via USB. 
3) Turn printer off. 
4) Enter Recovery Mode by holding 4 + 7 + Job Status + Power button. 
5) Open the Recovery Mode Firmware file you downloaded from Epson site. 
6) Click Start and wait til the program is done, which you will notice when all the lights start blinking rapidly on the printer.
7) Press the Zero (0) button on the printer to exit Recovery Mode. 
8 ) Unplug printer, plug back in and turn on. 

Now you can reset the maintenance box. Not sure if you can still use the chipless firmware again, but i saved the REcovery Code so i might give it a shot. But im not sure how worth it it will be. 

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I can't figure out how to restore my factory firmware for the Epson 7720.  Can anyone help do this?


I downloaded the chipless firmware, and now my Maintenance box is out, and won't recognize any of the new ones I'm trying to put in.  

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