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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware


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Everything posted by armsroom

  1. Does The Chipless firmware work for PX-M885F (Japan Version of WF-C5790)? PX-M884F (Japan Version of WF-C5710) is listed with WF-C5710. But PX-M885F is not listed.
  2. New WF-C5700( maybe from version CU10L3 of June 30, 2021) printer doesn't work on the existing Chipless firmware. https://youtu.be/rDIB1T9Atik https://forumsulink.com.br/topic/2778-erros-100016-e-190000-nas-novas-impressora-multifuncional-epson-wf-c5710/ ----------------------------------------- [Sep 18, 2021] I think it's solved.
  3. matjaz printers (wf 5710) stops printing or or start double printing on same text -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To matjaz and John Wf-C5710 The Problem always happens at Following 3 conditions ; 1. 2-sided printing & 2. Multi-page (2-up) option & 3. Standard Quality -----------if you change just one option, it will not happen often--------- I hope that I can get Fixed firmware soon.
  4. It is common problem for wf-c5710 printer when it works with not original ink cartridges. ---------------------------------------------- Hello, John Is it common problem for WF-C5790, too? I've just bought one.
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