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WIC Reset Program and Chipless Firmware

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Thank you so much for your answer, and taking the time to see my case. I used a dryblower with hot and cold air for about 10 minutes, and opened every printer door in the case, took out the cartridges, and the maintenance box. Still, the printer shows that error. I was wondering, where is the humidity sensor on this printer? Because maybe it got wet on itself, and using air will not do the trick, perhaps replacing it is the solution, but I don't have the service manual or I cannot see where it is, from outside the printer. Maybe you could help me with this, at least to tell the official EPSON service here, (they are so poorly trained), so they can replace it or clean it. 

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Thank you for your reply Margaret1, I'm from Argentina, so we don't have access to that specialized technical support, at least from a private company that can assure you the technical knowledge. It's expensive to buy this imported printers here, so it's very important for us in terms of investment and taking care of it. I wonder where that sensor might be...

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Hi, please consider sharing the information about this issue. I'm also having the same problem and I'm 100% confident that nothing leaked in the printer, no traces of humidity or ink inside of the printer.
Will try to switch to original firmware to check if this is a firmware issue.

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Hello Emilio, 

I did some research, and contacted the official EPSON Service in Argentina, they told me, that the printer has 4 ink leak sensores, 3 on the bottom of the printer case (inside) one is behind the ink tubes, when they go up into the case and the print head. and 2 in the plastic case, at hte bottom. Also, there is a ink leak sensor underneath the maintenance box on the right. 

The sensors are digital, and they have a circuit board. They told me that in order to fix this, I had to change the whole bottom part of the printer. It cost's about 15.000 pesos ARS (240 USD). Almost the price for a new printer.

They were told by EPSON that there is no reset for this. And they are going to try to DRY and clean the ink leak sensors with no guarantee that it will work. Also, I told them to try and bridge the pin connectors on the printer, or to unplug them.

Here you have the schematics of the ink leak sensors and the part that needs to be replaced according to EPSON.

Reseting the firmware to the OEM version will not work, I tried, the sensor still send the message that there's an ink leak.




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Ok, this was not a firmware issue, this was a problem with these sensors. Even if it seems to be fine when disconnected them started working again.

Que Kamikazes!!! no pueden cobrarte eso!
Desenchufa los sensores y al carajo.
Tenes que abrir la tapa izquierda de la impresora (mirando desde el frente) y desenchufar los cuatro sensores.
Son los que tienen cable rojo-blanco-negro, tenes 4 terminales, uno de plastico rojo, otro de plastico amarillo, otro negro y otro blanco.
Te los marqué en amarillo en la foto que subo.
Una vez desenchufados prendes la máquina y sale andando lo más bien, chipless y a prueba de agua ajjaja


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Sos un genio Emilio, ya estaba dando por tirado ese equipo, y me estaba poniendo nervioso, porque tengo 4 mas funcionando, me iba a matar si me fallaban así todas. Muchísimas gracias por la información. Te envié mensaje privado con mi celular, para que nos contactemos por ahi para intercambiar información al respecto de estos equipos y otras soluciones, no hay mucha info y experiencia en Argentina con esto. Somos los adelantados en este tema, me parece. 

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I had this problem, the printer had 47,000 impressions, the Chipless seems to prevent the Ink Tank Full message.

The Ink Box was overflowing which tripped the Ink Sensor, ink was literally dripping out of the printer.

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Had the same problem.. Using chipless and drained one of the inks.. So I had to do cleaning couple of times that's why the maintenance box overflowed and inks leaked.. 

To solve the issue I followed the steps on disconnecting the ink sensor cables and viola.. Am back to printing.. 


Thank you Emilio

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Anyway around this issue with regards to the chipless firmware still monitoring the the maintenance tank ,  are you planning to resolve this issue rather take the printer apart and disconnect ? 

this is not clear on the website that the  maintenance tank is not monitored prior to making the printer chipless ,  we have modified over 25 C5210dw printers with chipless and now we are starting to get issues with customers reporting this error 



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@shane I'm not from the printer reset's team but:
There is no way to measure the tank ink level, it uses a chip to get an approximated ink level value and not using chips is the purpose of the chipless firmware.
Normally the chip values changes with usage and once it's "filled" it gets the chip and the printer useless until you change the box with a new chip. You just need to monitor the ink level on the boxes every 7000 prints, not a big deal.

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